Monday, October 13, 2014

The Essence of Human Existence

The other day in church, our preacher gave this pastoral prayer.  It touched me deeply, because this is how I feel regarding life.  I pray that if anything were to ever happen to anyone dear to me, that these words resonate within my soul.

Gracious God, 

That is the essence of human existence. . .that there is the tragic and there is the glorious.  There are the things that hurt us in life and the things that bring us joy in life.  We are always, it seems to be, tossed from one to the other and find balance-- find simply walking in a straight line--a very difficult thing.  We are slung back and forth from dark to light, from blinding brightness, to a gentle quietness. 

Help us.  

Help us to know that in the midst of all of that, You walk with us.  In those times when we would simply whistle to ourselves as we are walking down the street in a sense of contentedness, You are with us.  In those times when it seems as though we are terribly, terribly alone and we hurt in a way that no one has ever hurt before, still yet, You are with us.  Keep us ever mindful, and may we find the ways of thankfulness because You are with us.  

Not because life is what we want it to be.  

Not because all is well.  But because You are with us and all is right--even in the hardness, all is right--in Your presence. 

That's a hard thing to understand.  

So we ask that You would help us in the groping times to find You and the right.  And in the groping and the hoping and the longing we find that our longing reaches beyond our own needs into the wanting goodness for those others around us and those others in far off places.  

Later this morning we will pray together, "Your Kingdom come on Earth as it exists now in Heaven."  May Your Kingdom begin the coming with us and our willingness to live as Kingdom children.  Remembering and holding dear to all those for whom the kingdom seems very far away.  This we ask in the name of Your Holy and Beloved Son.


And Amen.

(Just in case anyone was wondering, I received permission from my preacher to publish this.  He wasn't concerned with me sharing his name.  I would love to give him full credit, but for the sake of Internet safety, I've decided to keep his name off of this blog.)

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